Laser Food launches ‘Natural Branding vs Burnt Skin’ campaign

Laser Food, the pioneer of safe, efficient laser labelling technology for fresh fruits and vegetables, has announced the launch of a new promotional campaign «Laser Food launches Natural Branding vs Burnt Skin campaign to raise awareness of the differences between the system marketed under Laser Food’s own ‘Natural Branding’ name and inferior laser-burning systems which…

Laser Food launches ‘Natural Branding vs Burnt Skin’ campaign Laser Food, a pioneer of safe, efficient laser labelling technology for fresh fruits and vegetables, has announced the launch of a Natural Branding vs Burnt Skin campaign to raise awareness of the differences between the system marketed under Laser Food’s own ‘Natural Branding’ name and inferior laser-burning systems which often damage the products. Under…

El etiquetado láser de inferior categoría puede dañar la piel de la fruta o verdura

El objetivo de la campaña es destacar el peligro que representan las técnicas no patentadas de marcado con láser en comparación con el etiquetado láser de Natural Branding dado que el etiquetado láser de inferior categoría puede dañar la piel de la fruta  Alicia Lozano 15/01/2019 Laser Food, el pionero en la eficiente tecnología de etiquetado…